
The Biggest Storm Ever

It was a cold and stormy night. My cabin mates just walked into the cabin. We were drenched by the rain. It was pouring. We got changed into dry, warm p-j's and we were lying on our bunks. The thunder was really loud. It was the worst storm yet.

We all had trouble falling asleep so we talked. It sounded like we were yelling just to be heard over the noise. I finally fell asleep at 12:30 a.m.

I was asleep for about a half an hour when I heard a loud CRASH. I got really scared and was going to wake up my friends when I realized that no one was there. There were no coats or boots except for mine. I put my coat and boots on and went outside to find a really humungous tree had just fallen down.

I saw something in the water by our cabin and went over to get a better look. It was a dead fish and a surf board. Surf is in the middle of the lake so it must have been a very strong wind. By the tree there was now standing the entire Koala Girl section. We were all staring at the fallen tree. It was one in the morning so some kids made their way back to their cabins to go back to bed.

I decided to stay out to get a better look at the tree as it was the biggest tree I had ever seen. It was about 30 feet long and about 2 feet wide.

In the morning work men had to come to cut the tree up into little pieces. It took about five men to do the job. If the tree had fallen in any other direction it would have hit a cabin! We sure were lucky. THAT WAS THE BIGGEST STORM I HAVE EVER BEEN IN.

A.R., Grade Five
Bishop Strachan School


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Camp Tales Section


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