
Wait Until Max Comes

"Did you ever notice that our cabin looks like a cat, Mercedes?" asked Laura as they walked toward it.

It was their first day at Camp Muskoka. They had their sleeping bags and pillows all ready. Alisha was their best friend who had decided to tag along. "You and your crazy ideas!" said Alisha admiring their new cabin. Laura just ignored that comment.

"I get the top bunk!" yelled Mercedes as ran run into the cabin.

"I get the second top bunk!" yelled Laura running after Mercedes.

"NO FAIR!!" screamed Alisha. She hated the bottom bunk.

"You guys, do you want to tell frightening stories tonight? We can stay up all night! I've done it before! It's so fun!" asked Laura.

Alisha hesitated for a bit but agreed along with Mercedes.

Laura, Mercedes and Alisha were all snuggled into their beds. "Pssst! Hey, you guys don't fall asleep on me! Come on! I'll go first!" whispered Laura.

"It was a dark and stormy night. A man was walking around in the rain. A crash of lightning struck! In the distance he saw an extremely dim light. With every strike of lightning he could see a figure a bit more. Finally he was at the house. He realized the house look a bit like a cat. He liked cats.

He knocked on the door and it opened. He tip-toed in as quietly as possible. No one was there. He lit a fire in the fireplace and sat down. He tried to fall asleep. Suddenly there was a tiny cry. The man opened his eyes and saw a tiny kitten. He tried to sleep again when there was an even bigger cry. He opened his eyes and he saw a striped fat cat. He didn't mind. He liked cats.

Once again he tried to sleep when he heard "What are we going to do with him?" He opened his eyes and saw no one but the cats. Suddenly the cat turned to the kitten and said "Wait until Max comes!" The man just stared.

Another cat appeared as big as a dog. The cat asked "What shall we do with him?" The dog like the cat answered "Wait till Max comes". Another cat walked in as big as a leopard. The dog like cat asked "What shall we do with him?" The leopard-like cat replied "Wait till Max comes!". At that the man jumped through the window and ran home. He stayed in his house and never came out again because he knew somewhere out there Max was waiting!.....

And People say this is the cabin where Max was....Wasn't that good you guys?" asked Laura.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, Laura!" whined Alisha. They all laughed at that and fell asleep.

C.T., Grade Five
Bishop Strachan School


decorative strip



Camp Tales Section


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